Many times a person will daven to Hashem, “Please be there for me during my business meeting tomorrow afternoon.” He thinks in his mind: “If only Hashem will come through for me and involve himself in that meeting.”
However, if one stops and focuses for a moment, he may realize how far this thought is from what he really needs. How much Heavenly intervention is needed just for his body to survive until that meeting? With each and every breath he takes Hashem is lovingly orchestrating events scientifically more complex than sending a man to the moon.
Just think of what science has realized regarding the complexity of the human brain:
“We each have something approaching 100 billion nerve cells – neurons – in the human brain (more than the number of stars in the Milky Way). Each of them can be connected directly with maybe 10,000 others, totaling some 100 trillion nerve connections. If each neuron of a single human brain were laid end to end, they could be wrapped around the Earth twice over.” (The Independent UK Wednesday April 2, 2014)
We should take a moment to ponder this. There are approximately six billion people on Earth. This means that for every person on Earth there are approximately 200,000 connections in their brain. During our simple business meeting mentioned above, in each of the two brains facing each other, Hashem will be orchestrating events many times more complex than all of the telecommunication connections on Earth. This is just during the meeting alone, not to mention all of the necessary miracles we need in order to lead up to the meeting.
And for everything else, we are assured that Hashem will be there for us. Dovid HaMelech advises us: “Throw upon Hashem that which weighs upon you and He will sustain you.” (Tehillim 55:23) So let us add our business meetings into the mix. It will weigh no more to Him!!
Other parts to this series: Inspiration in Bitachon