It is easy to have bitachon when things are going well; not so when times get tough. This is for two reasons:
1) We take our situation as a sign from Hashem that we may be in for a hard time.
2) When one is emotionally overwhelmed with worry, it’s very hard to focus logically on strengthening our bitachon.
The following words of Rabbeinu Yonah (Sha’arei Teshuva, Shar Beis) help us address these two issues:
One who trusts in Hashem, when faced with calamity should trust that the darkness that he faces will in fact be the cause of the light to come. As it states (Michah 7): Do not rejoice, my enemies, over me for I have fallen, I have stood erect, when I sit in darkness Hashem is my light. Our sages have explained this to mean: Had I not fallen I would not have stood erect. Had I not sat in darkness I would not have merited light.
Perhaps this can be explained as follows:
Every aspect of our lives runs solely on the kindness of Hashem and His constant Divine intervention. However, when things are running smoothly we tend to lose sight of this. Many times Hashem wants to bestow His kindness upon us, but sees we have lost focus on our need for His special intervention. Hashem will then shake things up in order to refocus our thoughts towards Him. This can address the first reason, mentioned above, that we find it hard to have bitachon. For in fact, instead of hardship being a sign from Hashem that we’re in for hard times, it is a sign that we stand on the verge of beholding His loving kindness!
Focusing upon this helps us address the second reason mentioned as well, for there is no reason to be emotionally overwhelmed with worry if our troubles are in fact a sign of good times ahead!
Other parts to this series: Inspiration in Bitachon