The days between Rosh Hashanah and Shmini Atzeres carry a message which can serve as a basis for being able to feel more Bitachon, trust in Hashem, than possibly any other time during the year.
Rosh Hashanah could have been the day of final judgement for all, yet Hashem gave us an extension to improve and change our judgement status until Yom Kipper. Not only does He give us extra time, but the Judge Himself, Hashem, counsels us how to confuse and mute the prosecutor.
The sounds of the Shofar confuse the Satan and evoke Divine mercy through the memories that it recalls. Additionally, Hashem teaches us a secret that assures a favorable judgement. He informs us about the concept of Teshuva, the ability to remove the errors of the past and forgive our sins. He also gives us a special day when the Teshuva process is much easier and the day itself offers a measure of forgiveness. He insists that we deprive ourselves of physical pleasures, in order to allow us to soar spiritually, and even though He is fully aware that this state will only last for the day, He judges us in our state of being on that day. He also allows Teshuva, Tefillah and Tzedaka to override any negative decision.
If this show of who He roots for wasn’t enough, He does not give over His verdict to the agents, who will be authorized to deliver them, until Hoshana Rabba and only on Shmini Atzeres does He grant them permission to deliver. At the same time, He fills the days until then with Mitzvos and special inspiration to Bitachon, by moving to the relative insecurity of the Sukkah, all in order to help us to avert any negative judgement for the New Year. In light of all He does to assure positive results in the judgement process, we can see the extent of His love, kindness and mercy for us. This can truly strengthen our trust in Him for everything in life.
Other parts to this series: Inspiration in Bitachon