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Pursuit of Purpose: Is Purim About Drinking or Giving?
Pursuit of Purpose: A Perspective on Suffering for the Pesach Seder
Pursuit of Purpose: The Chase Is On
Parshas Vayikra Shmuz, 5782
Pursuit of Purpose: A Deeper Look Into The Mitzvah Of ספור יציאת מצרים
Parshas Vayikra Shmuz, 5781 (14:55)
All We Need To Do Is Ask
Parshas Vayikra Shmuz, 5779
Parshas Vayikra Shiur 5778
Parshas Vayikra Shmuz 5778
Parshas Vayikra Shiur 5777
Parshas Vayikra-Rely On Hashems Chessed
Parsha Vayikra Shmuz
3-27-2024 Parshas Tzav Shmuz
Parshas Tzav Shmuz 5778
Parshas Tzav
Parshas Tzav Shiur
Pursuit of Purpose: Mind Over Matter
4-3-2024 Parshas Shemini Shmuz (5784)
Pursuit of Purpose: The Secret to Discovering the Purpose of Each Mitzvah
Pursuit of Purpose: The Essence of Our Relationship With Hashem
Parshas Shmini Shmuz, 5781 (11:46)
Overcoming Temptation With Temptation
Parshas Shmini Shmuz, 5779
Parshas Shmini Shiur 5778
Parshas Shmini Shmuz 5778
Parshas Shmini-2 Promises of Survival
Parshas Shmini-The Influnece of Happiness
Parshas Shmini 2014
Parshas Shmini Shiur
Pursuit of Purpose:
4-10-2024 Parshas Tazria Shmuz
Pursuit of Purpose: Developing Hope In Hashem
Parshas Tazria-Metzora Shmuz, 5783
Parshas Tazria Shmuz, 5782
Pursuit of Purpose: Bitachon Expressed Through Character Refinement
Parshas Tazria-Metzorah Shmuz, 5781 (14:23)
Are Our Shuls Really Closed?
Parshas Tazria Shiur 5778
Parshas Tazria Shmuz 5778
Parshas Tazria-Metzora Shmuz 5777
Parshas Tazria-Suffering Can Have a Purpose
Parshas Tazria-Knowledge Need Constant Strengthening
Parshas Tazria Shmuz
Parshas Tazria Shiur
Pursuit of Purpose: Developing Hope In Hashem
Parshas Tazria-Metzora Shmuz, 5783
Pursuit of Purpose: Our Vulnerability To The Yetzer Harah
Pursuit of Purpose: Bitachon Expressed Through Character Refinement
Parshas Tazria-Metzorah Shmuz, 5781 (14:23)
Are Our Shuls Really Closed?
Our Vulnerability to Mockery- The Rasha’s Question
Parshas Tazria-Metzora Shmuz 5777
Parshas Metzora-The Club Testifies
Parshas Metzora-Love The Truth
Parshas Metzora Shiur
Achrei Mos
Pursuit of Purpose: The Power of Viewing Everyone in the Image of Hashem
Parshas Achrei Mos – Kedoshim Shmuz, 5783
Pursuit of Purpose: Total Immersion
Parshas Achrei Mos Shmuz, 5782
Pursuit of Purpose: A צלם אלקים Can Do No Wrong
Parshas Kedoshim Shmuz, 5781 (16:02)
The Aroma of Tefillah
The Intellectual Dangers of Familiarity with Knowledge
Parshas Acharei Mos Shmuz, 5779
The Intellectual Dangers of Familiarity with Knowledge, 5779
Parshas Achrei Mos/ Kedoshim Shiur 5778
Parshas Achrei-Mos/ Kedoshim Shmuz 5778
Parshas Achrei Mos-Kedoshim Shiur 5777
Parshas Acharei Mos-Kedoshim Shmuz 5777
Parshas Achrei Mos-Bein Adam Lchavero
Pursuit of Purpose: Overriding Our Wants, Not Squashing Them
Pursuit of Purpose: The Power of Viewing Everyone in the Image of Hashem
Parshas Achrei Mos – Kedoshim Shmuz, 5783
Pursuit of Purpose: The Heart of The Matter
Parshas Kedoshim Shmuz, 5782
Pursuit of Purpose: A צלם אלקים Can Do No Wrong
Parshas Kedoshim Shmuz, 5781 (16:02)
The Aroma of Tefillah
Parshas Kedoshim Shmuz, 5779
Kavod Is Much More Than Action, 5779
Kavod Is Much More Than Just Action, 5779
Parshas Achrei Mos/ Kedoshim Shiur 5778
Parshas Achrei-Mos/ Kedoshim Shmuz 5778
Parshas Achrei Mos-Kedoshim Shiur 5777
Parshas Acharei Mos-Kedoshim Shmuz 5777
Parshas Kedoshim-Man Is Godly
Pursuit of Purpose: The Delicate Nature of Middos
Pursuit of Purpose: The True Measure of Our Actions
Pursuit of Purpose: Important Lessons From The Story Of The Mekalel
Parshas Emor Shmuz, 5782
Pursuit of Purpose: The Bond Between Halacha & Middos
Parshas Emor Shmuz, 5781 (13:54)
Finding The Silver Lining
The Critical Role of Emotions, 5779
The Critical Role of Emotions, 5779
Parshas Emor Shiur 5778
Parshas Emor Shmuz 5778
Parshas Emor Shiur 5777- A Story For Chizuk
Parshas Emor Shmuz 5777- Shalom: The Key for All Brachos
Parsha Emor Shmuz
Parshas Emor Shiur
Pursuit of Purpose: I Didn’t Mean To Hurt You, Still Hurts
Parshas Bhar Shmuz, 5782
Pursuit of Purpose: Highlighting The Importance of Hashgacha Pratis
Parshas Behar-Bechukosai Shmuz, 5781
Insights Into Hashem’s Hashgacha
It’s Right But Is It Nice?
Parshas Behar Shmuz, 5779
Parshas B’har-Bechukosai Shmuz 5777
Parshas Behar-Dealing With Emotions Rationally
Parshas Behar Shiur
Pursuit of Purpose: Partnering With Hashem
Pursuit of Purpose: Hashem Craves עמלות בתורה
Parshas Bechukosai Shmuz, 5782
Pursuit of Purpose: Highlighting The Importance of Hashgacha Pratis
Parshas Behar-Bechukosai Shmuz, 5781
Insights Into Hashem’s Hashgacha
Parshas Bechukosai, 5779
Subtleties in Depth, 5779
Parshas Bechukosai Shmuz, 5779
Parshas Bechukosai Shiur 5778
Parshas Bechukosai Shmuz 5778
Parshas B’har-Bechukosai Shmuz 5777
Parshas Bechukosai-What It’s All About
Parshas Bechukosai-We Are All One
Parshas Bechukosai Shmuz
Parshas Bechukosai Shmuz
Parshas Bechukosai Shiur
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