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The Divine Fingerprints Series
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Pursuit of Purpose: Are You Eligible for Kabbalas Hatorah
Pursuit of Purpose: Enhancing Our Chashivus Hatorah – A Shavuos Message
Parshas Bamidbar Shmuz, 5782
Pursuit of Purpose: The Key To Appreciating The Good In Our Lives
Parshas Bamidbar Shmuz, 5779
Parshas Bamidbar Shiur 5778, Shavuos 2018
Parshas Bamidbar and Shavuos Shmuz 5778
Parshas Bamidbar Shmuz 5777
Parshas Bamidbar-We Have No Excuses
Parshas Bamidbar 2014
Parshas Be-Midbar Shiur
Parshas Naso Shmuz, 5783
Pursuit of Purpose: Blinded by the Whole
Parshas Naso Shmuz, 5782
Pursuit of Purpose: Understanding The System Of Suffering
Pursuit of Purpose – Naso
Parshas Naso, 5779
The Delicate Nature of Middos, 5779
Parshas Naso Shmuz, 5779
Parshas Naso Shmuz 5778
Parshas Nasso-Simple Yet Powerful
Parshas Naso 2014
Parshas Naso Shiur
Pursuit of Purpose: Blurry Vision
Pursuit of Purpose: Awakening the Slumbering Heart
Parshas Beha’aloscha Shmuz, 5782
Pursuit of Purpose: Lessons from the ענני הכבוד
Parshas Beha’aloscha Shmuz, 5781
Pursuit of Purpose – Beha’aloscha
A Life Of Its Own
Parshas Beha’aloscha Shmuz, 5779
Parshas Beha’aloscha Shmuz 5778
Parshas Beha’aloscha Shmuz 5777
Parshas Behaaloscha-How To Deal With Pressure
Pursuit of Purpose: I Need To See For Myself
Pursuit of Purpose: The Seeds of Rebellion
Parshas Shlach Shmuz, 5783
Pursuit of Purpose: Love Is Not Enough
Parshas Shlach Shmuz, 5782
Pursuit of Purpose: Discovering Our True Motives
Parshas Shlach Shmuz, 5781
Pursuit of Purpose – Shelach
Don’t Fake It Until You Make It
Parshas Shelach Shmuz, 5779
Parshas Shlach Shmuz 5778
Parshas Shlach Shmuz 5777
Parshas Shlach-Our Relationship With Hashem
Parshas Shlach Shiur
Pursuit of Purpose: The Pain of Hakaras Hatov
Pursuit of Purpose: The Loud Sounds of a Soft Voice
Parshas Korach Shmuz, 5783
Pursuit of Purpose: Rewiring Yourself Through Limud Hammusar
Parshas Korach Shmuz, 5782
Pursuit of Purpose: The Blinding Power of Jealousy
Parshas Korach Shmuz, 5781
Parshas Korach Shmuz, 5780
Pursuit of Purpose – Korach
Don’t Be Blinded By The Bigger Picture
Parshas Korach Shmuz, 5779
Lessons in Leadership
Parshas Korach Shmuz 5778
Parshas Korach Shmuz 5777
Parshas Korach 2014
Pursuit of Purpose: Lessons From Moshe’s Sin
Pursuit of Purpose: Forgive and Forget
Parshas Chukas-Balak Shmuz, 5783
Pursuit of Purpose: Lessons From Moshe’s Sin
Parshas Chukas Shmuz, 5782
Pursuit of Purpose: A Perspective On External Motivation
Parshas Chukas Shmuz, 5781
Parshas Chukas-Balak Shmuz, 5780
Pursuit of Purpose – Chukas-Balak
The Infinite Wisdom of the Torah
Parshas Chukas Shmuz, 5779
Parshas Chukas Shmuz 5778
Parshas Chukas Shmuz 5777
Parshas Chukas-Recognize The Good
Parshas Chukas Shiur
Pursuit of Purpose: All Sins Are Created Equal
Pursuit of Purpose: Forgive and Forget
Parshas Chukas-Balak Shmuz, 5783
Pursuit of Purpose: Insights Into Chinuch Hamussar
Parshas Balak Shmuz, 5782
Pursuit of Purpose: No Time To Waste!
Parshas Balak Shmuz, 5781
Parshas Chukas-Balak Shmuz, 5780
Pursuit of Purpose – Chukas-Balak
Middos – The Roots of Our Actions
Parshas Balak Shmuz, 5779
Parshas Balak Shmuz 5778
Parshas Balak Shmuz 5777
Parshas Balak-Hashem Controls Everything
Parshas Balak Shiur
Pursuit of Purpose: The Transformative Power of Mere הרהור תשובה
Pursuit of Purpose: A Guide to Effective Leadership
Parshas Pinchas Shmuz, 5783
Pursuit of Purpose: Living in the Darkness of Bad Middos
Pursuit of Purpose: The Transformative Power Of A Positive Connection
Parshas Pinchas Shmuz, 5781
Pursuit of Purpose – Pinchas
Embarrassment is Truth, 5780
Lessons and Insights From The Deaths of Nadav and Avihu
Parshas Pinchas Shmuz, 5779
Stoking the Flames
Parshas Pinchas Shmuz 5778
Parshas Pinchas Shmuz 5777
Parshas Pinchas Shiur
Pursuit of Purpose: Reality Check On Our Middos
Pursuit of Purpose: Gaining a Deeper Appreciation for Kindness
Parshas Matos-Masei Shmuz, 5783
Parshas Matos Masei Shmuz, 5782
Pursuit of Purpose – Vulnerability and Receptivity
Parshas Matos-Masei Shmuz, 5780
The Art of Making Good Choices
Parshas Matos-Masei Shmuz 5778
Pursuit of Purpose: Reality Check On Our Middos
Pursuit of Purpose: Gaining a Deeper Appreciation for Kindness
Parshas Matos-Masei Shmuz, 5783
Parshas Matos Masei Shmuz, 5782
Pursuit of Purpose – Vulnerability and Receptivity
Parshas Matos-Masei Shmuz, 5780
The Art of Making Good Choices
Parshas Matos-Masei Shmuz 5778
Parshas Masei Shiur
Parshas Masei Shiur
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