Raising our beautiful children.
We try hard to raise them well. We send them to good schools. We try to connect them with good friends. We tend to their needs and try to spend nice family time together. We try to keep them safe and protected.
But the world is bleeding around us.
Influences that used to be sparse and controllable are now lurking at every corner. We can’t just shut them out- they’re everywhere. Messed up values. Corrupted morals.
And many Jewish children struggling.
Do they have the strength within to fight against the world around them?
What as parents aren’t we willing to do as an effort to help our future generations?
At Priority-1 that is our mission.
Founded in 1987 by Rabbi Shaya Cohen, we are set out to help work with the challenges of our generation. We must do all that we can to not only solve the already existing problems but be proactive in preventing these problems.
Psychology of Emunah
The human being is composed of body and soul, mind and heart. As one observes the human condition, he can’t help but to realize that for the best motivation and functioning, all of these elements must be actively involved and their needs satisfied…
Shabbos: The Eternal Source of Strength
Shabbos is the most enigmatic of Jewish religious experiences. Not only can an entire people adhere to such a restrictive doctrine, but the Jewish nation, through the very difficulty of Shabbos observance, has derived such conviction, faith and love…
The Secret to True Happiness
I live in the land of Disney, Hollywood and year-round sun. You may think people in such a glamorous, fun-filled place are happier than others. If so, you have some mistaken ideas about the nature of happiness..
Confronting the Challenges of Wall Street
Issues of Bitachon in Hard Economical Times.
Bitachon Reader
We live in difficult and trying times. For many people life can seem overwhelmingly stressful when faced with problems, whether they are financial, family or health related. If we discovered the existence of a formula for peace of mind, control of stress and resolution of our difficulties, we would certainly embrace it wholeheartedly…